Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Video Project

The topic: I am going to do my video about feminism. I chose to do my short video about feminism because it is something I want to know more about. After learning a little bit about the history of feminism and where it is today, we also learned about the many misconceptions and stereotypes the feminist movement has faced. I want to take what I have learned about the feminism and illustrate what it means to me.

The Story: At the beginning of the course we learned about the many different ways people portray/define feminism and the history behind the feminist movement. We also looked at some of the different stereotypes that have been constructed along the way. I want to create a video that incorporates the many aspects of feminism, both good and bad, the history of how it came to where it is today, and how I have come to understand the truths behind it.

Software: I am going to use powerpoint. I have had much experience using this software so I don’t anticipate running into many problems.

Research: I will refer to bell hook’s work for research, as well as other resources we have been given. I will also look into the history of feminism itself. I will use resources I can find online and both Gender, Power, and Difference by Johnson and our other book, Readings for Diversity and Social Justice.

Wednesday-Friday: Research and read about feminism, its history and many the many different aspects of its context(s), and the issues feminist women face today.
Saturday & Sunday: Read more about the different goals feminist women fight for today and why.
Monday-Wednesday: Collect information on where feminism is today. Research different powerful feminists, collect quotes, images, video clips, music…etc. Start organizing and putting video together.
Thursday & Friday: Put entire video together. Write up intro & conclusion

Take Away Message: In my video, I want to convey feminism as a powerful fight for equality in hopes that people can look past the stereotypes and false conceptions that have been unfortunately cast upon feminists and their aspirations.


  1. Before this class i was unaware of the term feminism in its true sense but now i know it and would like to know more about it.

  2. I think feminism is a very important topic to talk about and I'm glad you chose it as your piece. I hope that people really think about this ism more after viewing your project and I'm very excited to see your video.
